In section, I’ll enumerate all the different features we should take into account about the composition of a building or construction project. To ease the understanding of the different concepts, I’ll also add one example representing each of the features.


Repetition of shapes in space. There are many options, playing with windows, columns, pillars, doors,…, but also rooms or floors themselves.

Sportausbildungszentrum Mülimatt


Linear element that marks a direction and distributes the space or the elements around it.

Star Axis, Anton Chico


Regular arrangement of the parts or points of a body or figure in relation to a point, axis or plane.


Relationship of supremacy of an element over others based on an established approach. This can be achieved through the size, form or situation.

Auditorio de Tenerife, Adán Martín


A unity element which serves as a proportional unit, and which is repeated on the same scale or at different scales. This was widely used by Le Corbusier.


Composition based on a net of axes serving as a guide

A4472- How has Roman Architectural Innovations affected Today’s Urban Planning


The irregularity of forms and the variants of order inspire the idea of movement, of displacement.

Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao


The relation of the parts to the whole so that nothing should be removed or added. There’s a certain visual connection that makes them seem to go together.

Lotus Temple, New Delhi


Organization of space around a center.

Benesse House, Naoshima


Complementary relationship between the elements of a composition. If a project is equal and symmetric, it’s balanced.

The Petronas Towers, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


It’s the edge of the elements of a composition where there’s a change from the rest.

National Taichung Theater, Toyo Ito


Example of Intrusion of Light in Interiors


Contraposition of elements on the basis of volume, color, shape, texture, size, disposition,…

Real Museum, Ontario


Chromatic manifestation of the elements used.

Cerebral Illnesses Attendance Centre, Madrid


Surface finishing of the elements involved in the final perception of architecture.

Fuensanta House


Harmonic relation of dimension according to certain mathematical or geometric rules.

Parthenon Geometrical Analysis


Relation between the size of the building and the size of a human being.

The Opus Building, Dubai (Zaha Hadid)